This notice is provided by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). hereby asserts that the images used on the website can be accessed on the Internet and are considered to be in the public domain for illustrative purposes.

Content and images sourced from the Internet are understood to be in the public domain, and available for use by anyone willing to do so. Furthermore, as a responsible entity, we are committed to never willfully infringe upon the rights of individuals or companies.

If you are the rightful owner of any image or content appearing on our website,, please present your claim and inform us promptly.

We strictly adhere to avoiding infringement of any copyright or ownership rights. Should any individual or company have a complaint regarding’s use of their owned or copyrighted material without appropriate credit, they may submit a written complaint or notice to

[email protected]

Such complaints, notices, or requests must include:

  1. The name and valid contact information of the complainant, accompanied by proof of sole ownership of the rights to the image, content, or other materials in question.
  2. The specific location on the website where the complainant first encountered the content, along with visual evidence or the URL of the page, and detailed information regarding the image, content, or item in question.
  3. A declaration to confirming the complainant’s rightful ownership of the improperly used work (which may be used against the complainant if the complaint is found to be fraudulent, misleading, or defamatory).

If the complaint is submitted by a representative of the original copyright holder, a letter of authorization and a physically or digitally signed declaration by the original copyright holder must be provided.

Incomplete or inaccurately filled out complaints provided to may not be considered, and in some instances, legal action may be pursued against individuals or organizations attempting to falsely implicate in baseless claims.

It is important to note that upon receiving a fully valid and verified complaint, notice, or request, will respond to the aggrieved party in writing (using the email address provided for the submission) to acknowledge receipt and provide a timeframe for addressing the issue.

Acknowledging these provisions as integral components of our established policy, affirms its commitment to refraining from knowingly possessing any rights over materials owned by third parties, other than or its associates.